
Z100's First Lady of the Morning Show - Danielle Monaro is a fan of Sassy Strapps May 14 2015

You've got to know Danielle Monaro's infectious laugh from Z100's morning show, I've been a fan for YEARS!  It's an honor that she is a fan of Sassy Strapps!  Thanks to Danielle for posting on IG our funky skull Sassy Strapp design!  The comments were so positive!

Z100 throws a prom and Sassy Strapps is there to help! May 02 2015

Sassy Strapps is excited to announce we are participating in an exciting event with New York's number 1 radio station Z100!  Starting next week, Danielle Monaro from the Zmorning Zoo will be our brand ambassador and promoting Sassy Strapps with their prom event!  Woot woot!